
20-06-2022 to 22-06-2022


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Capacity Building Program for Budding Entrepreneurs was organized on the topic “Computer Assembly and Programming” by ACIC-MIF from 20/06/2022 to 22/06/2022. Around 20 budding entrepreneurs from different streams actively participated in the training program. Inaugural function was conducted on 20/06/2022 at 9.00 am in ECE Seminar Hall, MSEC. Dr.S.Syed Ameer Abbas, CEO- ACIC-MIF delivered the Welcome Address. Dr.P.Radha, Professor & Director, Department of Computer Application delivered the Chief Guest Address for the Entrepreneurs.

Dr.N.Rajesh Jesudoss Hynes, Associate Professor (Sr.Grade), Department of Mechanical Engineering.MSEC delivered the importance of Entrepreneurship and about ACIC-MIF for the Budding Entrepreneurs. Program Instructor- Dr. K.Kanagaraj, Associate Professor, Department of Computer Applications, delivered the training outcomes and scope.

After inauguration, the training started on Day1 forenoon session covering the following topics, Introduction to Computer Hardware Components and Accessories by Dr. K.Kanagaraj. Next session on “Identifying the Slots, Establishing Connections and Assembling a Complete Computer” delivered by Dr.N.Balaganesh, AP(Sl.G)/CSE, MSEC. Post lunch on Day 1 the participants were given Hands on session to assemble a computer on their own by Dr.K.Kanagaraj and Dr.N.Balaganesh & Technicians.

On Day 2 forenoon session, the participants were given training on Basics of BIOS, Booting Process, Formatting of HDD by Dr.N.Balaganesh and OS Installation, Configuring users and IP Address & Connecting to Network by Dr.K.Kanagaraj. In the afternoon session the participants were taken to Internet Server Room and Main Server room to gain a practical experience on network distribution system. After the server room visit the participants were given Hands on session on BIOS Setup, Formatting a HDD, OS Installation and Setting IP address by Dr.N.Balaganesh and Dr.K.Kanagaraj.

On Day 3 forenoon session, Dr.N.Rajesh Jesudoss Hynes, Associate Professor (Sr.Grade), Department of Mechanical Engineering.MSEC delivered a special motivational session for participants regarding ”Opportunities for startup through innovation”. After the motivational session the participants were taken to Computer Applications lab for training on Office Automation using Word, Excel & Power point by Dr.K.Kanagaraj, The next session followed by Designing web page using HTML and CSS by Dr.J.Maruthu Pandi, ASP/IT, MSEC. After lunch participants were taken for a visit to ACIC-MIC Incubation Centre and ACIC-MIF startup cells and Makerspace by Dr.S.Syed Ameer Abbas, CEO- ACIC-MIF. After that Hands on session on Office Automation and Web page Design was given by Dr.J.Maruthu Pandi, & Technicians.

After the successful training the Valedictory function was conducted. Dr. R.Sankaranarayanan, Manager, ACIC-MIF welcomed the gathering. Feedback about the training session was recorded from the participants. Dr.P.Radha, Professor & Director, Department of Computer Application, MSEC delivered the valedictory address and distributed the certificates for the participants.

After seeing the ACIC-MIF startup cells and MIC setup, some participants have shown interest towards starting up business and they are in pipeline of followup.


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