
ACIC MIF Services

Mentoring Services

ACIC-Mepco Innovative Foundation (ACIC-MIF) provides Mentoring Services. Mentors play a key role in an innovator’s journey. Guidance through the process of building innovative solutions to understand their viability and reach are the most important part in the learning and developing effective sustainable products and services.

Mentors or experts from different domains handhold the innovators and startups throughout their journey to help them, streamline thoughts and ideas at an early stage of innovation. ACIC MIF involves experts and researchers with a background in innovative solutions to help the innovators and startups from the stage of ideation to develop sustainable and commercially viable innovations.

ACIC MIF Services

Consultancy Services

ACIC-Mepco Innovative Foundation (ACIC-MIF) provides Consultancy Services.

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CNC Micro Milling and Engraving Machine

ACIC MIF Services

Incubation Facilities

ACIC-Mepco Innovative Foundation (ACIC-MIF) provides different incubation models for different services to the startups and innovators. Incubation models can be:

  • Equity based – ACIC MIF can take minority stakes in incubated businesses, often in return for fee and low rent periods, enabling future income from dividend payments.
  • Royalty based - Revenues earned by the client will legitimate a royalty payment for the ACIC MIF. Usually, the royalty is limited in time.
  • Rental based – Rental charges are charged under this scheme.

ACIC MIF Services

Community Innovator Fellowship (CIF)

The Community Innovator Fellowship Program is an initiative of Atal Innovation Mission, NITI Aayog in collaboration with UNDP India to facilitate knowledge building and provide infrastructure support to aspiring community innovators essential for their entrepreneurship journey.

The Community Innovator Fellowship Program aims to facilitate knowledge building and provide infrastructure support to aspiring community innovators essential for becoming entrepreneurs. This will be a one-year-long intensive program wherein an aspiring community innovator, irrespective of their socio-economic background, can apply to be a fellow. During the course of this fellowship, each fellow would acquire entrepreneurial skills, life skills, and awareness about Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Also, each fellow would work on her/his own idea as a project and would present it as an investor pitch at the end of the Fellowship.

First Batch Community Innovator Fellowship (CIF) 2022-2023

1M. VishalatchiSivakasiRadsorb
2A. SaranyaSivakasiHerbal Chicklet
3M. Dhanush KumarMaduraiE-Generator Bicycle
4R. SaliniVirudhunagarCompostable membrane and herbal based menstrual pad

ACIC MIF Services

Action plan for Sustainability

Model 1

Model 2

Model 3

Model 4

Model 5


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