

Visit of Budding Start-ups to Madurai Agri Business Incubation Forum

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As part of Outreach program, a visit to Madurai Agri Business Incubation Forum (MABIF) was arranged for the shareholders of Budding Start-ups to get an exposure to incubation related activities and to explore the possibilities for new joint startup ventures on 27.05.2022 (Friday). With the initiative of the Director of ACIC-MIF, the visit was coordinated by Dr.S.Syed Ameer Abbas, CEO-ACIC-MIF, Dr.R.Sankaranarayanan, Manager-ACIC-MIF, Mr.A.P.Hariharan, Manager-ACIC-MIF and Mr.S.Selvakumar, Young Professional-ACIC-MIF. 40 shareholders of 18 Budding Start-ups got benefitted during the visit.


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